About Us

We help you safely run your Business

Investor Hub is a consulting firm for Investors who want to invest in various sectors in Africa as well as Africans who are looking for investors. It was therefore created to bridge the gap between Investors and people who need investments in their various Businesses or Projects be they Government or Private.

We, therefore, provide investor support services such as:

  • Market Research before the arrival of investors to prevent them from wasting too much time and money.
  • Developing Business Plans to suit the particular region of investment, Advise on which areas to invest in.
  • Immigration Support Services such as (Entry visas, Working and Stay permits).
  • Furnishing investors with knowledge of tax laws and statutory payments of the country they choose to invest in.
  • Assisting investors to find office space.
  • Accommodation, Procurement of Assets such as Vehicles for their operations from affordable sources.
  • Introducing investors to authorities that govern their area of investment and General Business setup.

To be the most reliable partner in providing Investor Support Services in Africa.


To ensure that our clients remain satisfied by ensuring that our support to them provide value and fulfillment. We will do this by:

1. Ensuring that we deliver our services based on our commitment and networks.
2. Promising credible and reliable support services.
3. Promoting integrity and trust to all parties and stakeholders.
4. Providing timely information and tested service.
Bridging the gap between investors/strategic partners and viable projects/ business opportunities in Africa

Market Entry

Project Financing

Transaction Advisory

Immigration Support Services

Furnishing investors with knowledge on tax laws and statutory payments of the country they choose to invest in

Preparation of appropriate documentation to secure investment

Conducting market research and feasibility studies on projects investors want to embark on